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Chapter - 5

5: He did it again. 

I got out of my car, slamming the door and stomping passed a confused looking Trevor and Melody. Trevor had gone through the ritual, and is now a wolf.

“Cat, what is going on?” Trevor asked.

“I’m going to kill him! I’m going to murder that lying son of a bitch!” I yelled.

I stomped down the halls of the school, looking for Derik. I followed his scent to the cafeteria, slamming the door open. He sat with his friends in the empty cafeteria; he looked up as the door slammed against the wall.

“Hello, Brother.” I said, smiling sarcastically.

Derik stood and backed away from me. “I didn’t mean to tell him! It just slipped out!”

“It just slipped out that I was raped in elementary?” I yelled.

I heard the whole room gasp but ignored them. “I’m sorry! I-I didn’t know what I was saying!” He said.

I felt tears brim my eyes. “He won’t even speak to me now! You son of a bitch, he hates me.” I let him go and ran out before the tears could escape. I pushed through people who probably heard me and ran into the bathroom, leaning against the wall and running a hand through my hair.

Yes, I was raped in elementary school. My teacher, Mr. Garnish, he caught me in a janitors closet after everyone was gone; I was going home from detention. He took advantage of me. Derik caught me limping home, and I made him promise not to tell a soul. Not even Trevor.

And now everyone knows. Even Damian.

Derik and Damian had “bumped into each other” at McDonalds. I don’t know how Damian got it out of him, but Derik promised, and he broke his promise. A knock at the bathroom door brought me back to the present. “What?” I called, my voice thick.

“Cat, sweetheart, can I come in?” It was my mom. 

I groaned inwardly, I’m in big trouble. “Yeah.”

Mom walked in and sat down beside me, where I’d slid down the wall. “So…the principle called…he said you caused…quite a scene.” She said softly.

A sob bubbled up to my lips and I broke down. “I was so scared! I-I didn’t want to tell anyone…I didn’t know what to do!” I sobbed.

Mom wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me into her side. “Sweetheart, no one’s blaming you for anything! That bastard is sick and twisted and doesn’t deserve to live!” she growled.

I laughed wetly. “Mom, you have that murderous look in your eye that you got when Mr. Lanyard accidentally mowed over your lilies.” I said.

She smiled. “Sorry. I just don’t like it when someone hurts my baby.” She said.

“Can we just go home? I don’t want to be here when Mrs. Vineyards catches wind of this. She’ll be asking for his address and putting bullets in her Glock.” I said.

Mrs. Vineyards is my Spanish teacher, she likes me, treats me like family. She carries a Glock in her giant purse and she knows how to use it.

“Sure, sweetheart, let’s go home.” Mom murmured.

I wiped my eyes as we stepped out of the bathroom, a crowd of people stood silently, staring at me with sympathy. I looked at Trevor, who stared at me with disbelieving eyes. I knew he felt betrayed, how could I not tell my own best friend? The truth was, I thought he’d be ashamed of me, that he’d walk away from me, calling me weak. Mom kept an arm around me as we walked silently down the halls, it held me together, kept me strong.

“Do you want to ride with me, or do you want to drive home?” she asked me.

“I’ll drive. I need to think.” I said.

With the windows tinted dark, I couldn’t see anything through them as I unlocked the car. I got in and yelped in surprise as I realized Damian sat in the passenger seat. He stared at me, his bright blue eyes dark and dangerous. I sighed. “I take it you saw.”

“The whole pack saw. Every mind in the pack, except for the elders, was focused on you. And how many times do I have to convince you that I don’t hate you?” He asked in a frustrated tone.

I put the key in the ignition and started the car. “If you’d stop walking away from me and actually talk to me I might believe you.” I said, backing out of my parking spot.

Damian sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me, or anyone, for that matter?”

I slammed on my breaks in frustration and turned to Damian. “I was eleven years old! How the hell was I supposed to know what to do? The only reason Derik knew was because he found me walking home! I was completely alone in this! How the hell was I supposed to tell someone when I didn’t even know what was going on?” I asked him, my voice raising an octave.

Damian’s eyes hardened. “You had your family! Your family when you’re a half blood is your pack! You’re supposed to go to them in times of trouble! What were you thinking?” he asked incredulously.

“I was thinking I was scared! I was thinking that if I told someone he’d come looking for me! And I was thinking that people would yell at me like you are now!” I said.

“Whatever. I need to think.” He said, getting out of the car.

I sat staring at the door in disbelief, he did it again.

I put the car in drive and sped off, anger and hurt having a fighting for dominance in the pit of my stomach. I came into the driveway and sat in the car for a full minute, trying to calm myself. I got out of the car and didn’t slam my door, so I took that as a good sign that I wasn’t about to go insane.

I walked inside and found Dad pacing, and Riley leaning against the wall, a storm of rage brewing in his mind. They both looked up when I entered. Riley got to me first, I expected him to demand who it was, to yell at me, but instead, he pulled me into his arms and held me tightly against him.

I was finally able to receive the comfort I so desperately needed. It was a long time ago, but it was still fresh in my mind as if it were preserved on ice. I broke down and clutched Riley’s shirt, burying my face in his chest. He scooped me up and walked over to the couch, sitting down with me in his lap.

I cried into his chest while dad sat beside us, rubbing my back comfortingly. “It’ll be alright, Cat. We all love you, this doesn’t change that.” Riley said softly.

I cried until the comforting darkness of sleep enveloped me.
